target: 6
target: .6 #:340
target: 2 #:342
target: 1
target: a double #: 351 rating: b
target: a double #: 358 rating: b
target: .60 #:367
yeah, it could or even should rally, but I don't rate it an A.
what i'm interested in is how it dipped from very sideways point in June ... before it jumped
and here's #370 dipping
checking today's gainers and losers, end of day
i call the pattern at the very end of the chart, in August, before it jumped today, a pick
i like picks, though i don't really know what they foretell ... except here's and exampled
that's not all ... into May prices cascaded from a bullish flat patch ... which is what i just discussed earlier in this post.
i don't know if this is going to go higher - it's more likely to go sideways, i think - but let's watch and see
the story is they're being acquired by "the owners of QVC"
i may even have bought some ($100)
that should tell you something ... be very careful
the headlines say they're headed for bakruptcy
there are positives
price book ratio is an absurdly low .24, current ratio is a perfectly healthy 2.9
granted, earnings are massively negative
a chat room post suggested an increase in the price of natural gas would send coal stocks upward
and a natural gas chart looked like a solid buy
and today there's a tweet to the effect that Soros just bought quite a bit of ACI
don't know if that's more than rumors, though
anyway, i like the chart here
it looks to me like it could jump to 10
and even, given a bit more time, into the twenties
if i had the cash, i would put in another $100
nothing special, but if i were picking something to go up fast, 50% or so, i'd go ahead with this one
now we get to see if i can pick them or not. (could be either one)
ok, i'll quit after this one
just looked at a bunch
can't post them all
this is the kind of chart i'm looking for, for sure
and that is a pick, in August ... not that that guarantees anything
anyway, it could jump to .60, for sure
and if it does that, will it continue straight to almost $2?
i've been seeing them do that kind of thing