profile ymax fv September26 (a Saturday).8 is pretty much a given. i mean, i'm bending the rules a little, but i think in this particular case it's justified. plus, there are higher prices marked: $1.20, $1.40. trade management is probably the answer. primary sell signals are ones you can see when/before you enter the trade. secondary sell signals are ones that appear after trade entry, which is to say after the trade is signaled. the first primary signal is, let's say, .75. once that price is reached, if there's a sell signal, it's a sell at that price. and if there weren't any higher primary signals, it would be a sell there anyway, but since there are primary signals above .75, we can wait for a secondary signal, which is quite likely to be given around those higher primary signal levels, and above .75. if we can sell above a dollar this becomes an actual double.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
profile ymax fv September26 (a Saturday).8 is pretty much a given. i mean, i'm bending the rules a little, but i think in this particular case it's justified. plus, there are higher prices marked: $1.20, $1.40. trade management is probably the answer. primary sell signals are ones you can see when/before you enter the trade. secondary sell signals are ones that appear after trade entry, which is to say after the trade is signaled. the first primary signal is, let's say, .75. once that price is reached, if there's a sell signal, it's a sell at that price. and if there weren't any higher primary signals, it would be a sell there anyway, but since there are primary signals above .75, we can wait for a secondary signal, which is quite likely to be given around those higher primary signal levels, and above .75. if we can sell above a dollar this becomes an actual double.