also ...
a prominent wave in early 2008, with a dragonfly doji in April
then this top was tested, but prices then went lower.
January 2009, invert hammer doji buy signal. the subsequent rally went right by the March 2008 top.
There followed in August 2009 a quick dip back to the base pattern - the magic trade, if you had an order in. The sell signal at that point was - this is according to the system, although it's one of the harder parts of it to interpret - 2.5.
The August dip is now a clear heel, echoed by a heel in October 2010, high dragonfly candle, and then a small dragonfly toe in January '011, buy signal, order filled, followed by a nice sharp rally mostly retracing the 2009 top. Again, not the easiest prediction, the 2011 top, but after the big green candle (April '11) a red dragonfly, whose real body indeed provided the limit price for selling ... for a double.
Sure, it was a heel later in 2011, doubling up, and a sturdy invert hammer in later 2012, if the earlier 2012 dragonfly didn't tempt us first, and then all that failed ...
Into a heel and dragonfly toe in early 2013, and then a two step rally. Now we have a second two step rally ... developing.
Although the second time is a charm, it also mirrors the first time, which supports my hypothesis of a sell at .7.
Analysis complete.
Earlier ADAT posts ...