note nope, another reject. sure, maybe it's going straight to 10, but ... who cares? oh, well, buying a little and holding for 10.
note actually, i'm holding for way above 10. there's a smidge of fundamentals. it could be a real company, possibly. i don't know why we need more gold, but, ok, whatever. they sold a fair amount of it last year.
what i mean is this is a long term investment, but i'm not that confident so i'll only put in a little money. with a successful long term investment, a little turns into a lot, or that's a theory.
oh, that's right, i was looking at the other gold stocks and they seem pretty solid and ready to rally, but why? so i looked at the price of gold, and it's down over a five year period, and on the hundred year chart you can see how it'll now go up for a period of five years. that could be an answer, and it suggests a time horizon for this investment.
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