Bev gathered her thoughts. You could not with confidence say about Bev that she was assessing the situation, ever, as it seemed, but she at times expressed interest in things, well, often. Huh.
At any rate, it was impossible to see her doing this, but she did stand in front of the financial advisor's office, now. She did stand there. She had found, somehow, the office of a financial advisor, and now she was standing in front of it. The street was reflected in the office window, and the leaves skittered by, and the letters on the window were handsome enough.
We cannot actually imagine her going in, but if she had, because this is what I told her - and who knows what Bev can do? - she would have told the gentleman her friend told her to put one hundred pounds a month into blue chip stock, and what would he recommend. I told her she could ask, if it seemed out of line, if there was something with lower fees, but that sounds awkward. You cold ask "are there alternatives to consider?" You'll be discussing some kind of mutual fund, a blue chip mutual fund. I was just praying the guy would take her side ... but that happens when you're not relying on it. He did.
Bev, I told her, it's going to be tough. Make sure you've got some comfortable rugs and blankets around. You've got to take care of yourself that way. Just pay no attention to Booboo. Let him do his thing, and you do yours. Don't argue with him, don't tell him what to do unless he's misbehaving. Don't tell the bungle bum about the investing. You do not need any fancy system to make this work. Just invest 100 pounds a month in blue chip stocks. In ten years, you'll be in a good position, in twenty you'll be actually getting there, and in 30 you'll be well off and taking care of the nieces and nephews. Never sell because you think something's wrong. Just sit tight through whatever, and your blue chip stocks will do fine. Forget bonds until 2030.
Bev, make a commitment to England. Start keeping a diary. Don't be in a hurry to leave again. We'll still be here years from now, anyway. And don't implore me to visit. Gosh darn it, I have no control over that stuff.