My mind more than a little uneasy, to reinforce the meditations I had been building on all day, in the evening, I got out the crystal ball, Victor. There was such an energy coming off him it felt I was holding something electric, and a little scary. I was kneeling on the floor, cupping him in my hands, closing my eyes, and he sucked me deep into meditation. He explores. I feel it.
First I traveled to the asylum and piled buckets of gold coins around the door of 32, and in the back too, so they will trip over them and not know what it was, Leprechauns. They seem unable to imagine anything for themselves. Only thing for it is to do it for them. But what about me? What do I want? I want solitude? But what about those arrangements I'm supposed to make? I need to trim that tree in front, there's the answer. It's that moment. I was done and put him in his basket.