Friday, September 25, 2015


profile ymax fv September25clearly buy signalling at 1.25 in December, 1.60 in January, for clear double. Buy signalish in February at $3, $3.25, in May at 2.75, in June at 2.5, then 2.4, in July at 1.90, then 1.50, and in August at .90, and then .40. Seriously? We want to buy all of those signals? I'm trying to think what to think. The January signal at $1.60 was post breakout. (I see a signal in there at $2 early January, as well.) All the signals in the $3 are are post rally, but I'm not confident I could rule them out. The July signal at $1.50 is post cascade, which I would normally say is special, but not here. Only a small jump follows. Right now it's a double cliff. The first cliff (August) didn't produce a rally, but the second cliff could be a charm. Anyway, if there's a rally to even just $2.50 then all those earlier trades around that price become break even trades and the trade at forty cents becomes quite profitable.

historically very low prices. that alone suggests the possibility of a long term type windfall, although a sharp top at 50 is predicted ... and the company could fail outright.